The Protected Marine Area “Capo Carbonara” was established by the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, with Ministerial Decree of 15 September 1998, then amended in 1999 and fully replaced by the Ministerial Decree of 7 February 2012 (Official Gazette Official No. 113 of May 16, 2012). The management of the Marine Protected Area is entrusted exclusively to the Municipality of Villasimius.
The Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area is almost entirely covered by the Site of Community Interest (SIC) established under the Habitats Directive 92/43 / EEC
In the Marine Protected Area “Capo Carbonara” we find several Special Protective Zones (SPAs) established under the Birds Directive 79/409 / EEC
The Protected Marine Area “Capo Carbonara” has become Area ASPIM Area (Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance) under the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea from the Pollution Hazards best known as the Barcelona Convention.